Lafayette Alumni Association, Inc.

PO BOX 21753
Members of Lafayette Alumni Assoc. and all Alumni
The following information is in regard to the celebration the SAR and the DAR are having to celebrate the 200th anniversary visit to Lex. by The Marquis de LaFayette. Please pass this information on to those you know who may be interested. Dale Henley is the person who has been in contact with me about the celebration. He will be making a short speech at our Christmas dinner.
I would like to invite you to a Thursday afternoon presentation at Lafayette HS on Oct 17th at 3:30pm in room 212 - the classroom will have students from the Lafayette Y/Club as well as other invited guests.
(School dismisses at 3:30, so please come to the school about 3:15 so you may be in and seated at 3:30! Come to the front door. Parking may be complicated so carpooling would be good! And of course you would park at my house 206 Vista and walk.)
Please look at this website <https://lafayette200.
Dale Henley, who will be doing a presentation has worked to schedule events for Lexington participation on May 15th and 16th 2025!
Lafayette High School (Being his namesake) needs to be involved in every way! I know that the Lafayette Crest was even given to the high school to use by the permission of the family!
The Bryan Station DAR will be applying for a grant in October to work with Sherri McPherson‘s Y/Club and interested students to put together a project showing and honoring Lafayette‘s visit.
Please come and be a part!
Mark your calendar!Alumni Association Annual Dinner
July 19, 2024

Reservations Due: July 12. 2024
Lafayette High School Hall of Fame
Tom graduated from Lafayette in 1961 after lettering twice in swimming, working on the Yearbook committee, participating in the Senior Play, and inducted into the National Honor Society. He also worked part time at Pieratt's Applianceland throughout his high school and college years. He met his first wife, Linda Zachman, while a student at Transylvania University where he was active in the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Later he was Charter President of the Pike Chapter Alumni Association and the President of the Transylvania Alumni Association.
After his graduation in 1966, he started working full time at Pieratt's in sales. The following year he became Manager of the Nicholasville Road sture. Ten years later he was elevated to the Vice President of Marketing and managed all the advertising and promotions until he retired in 2006. During that time, he represented Pieratt's in the United Way Campaign as a Division Chair and Allocation Committee Chair for several years.
He taught a class at Morton Junior one semester for Junior Achievement's Project Business program. He was an officer of the Lexington Advertising Club and served on the Better Business Bureau of Central & Eastern Kentuck')' Board of Directors for Nineteen years.
As a member of Crestwood Christian Church, he was a Sunday School Teacher for 6 to 10-year-olcl children for three years and a member of the Finance Committee and Administrative Board for several years. He also served as Deacon.
In 1981, Tom joined the Rotary Club of Lexington. In 1984 he started the Rotaiy Youth Exchange program in Central and Eastern Kentucky changing lives one child at a time. He served as General Chair for six years.
Linda had a massive stroke on Valentine's Day 1991 iand did not survive. Tom and Linda had a son and a daughter together. Later that year, Tom met Polky Parrish, and they married in 1999. Polky brought two daughters into the family.
Tom was President of the Rotary Club of Lexington in 1998-99. His legacy was starting a fund-raising dance on Valentine's Day. The dance eventually became Dancing with the Lexington Stars. This event has now raised nearly $1 Million, much of which has gone to the Kentuck·y Children's Hospital or Surgery on Sunday.
In 2001, he was appointed Chair of the Rota1y International Polio Plus Fund Raising program for District 6740 consisting of the eastern half of Kentucky. He successfully raised 112% of his established goal. He is still helping raise money to eradicate Polio in the world.
He received the President's Cup Award from the Rotary Club of Lexington for outstanding Club Service in 2004. In 2006 he received the Sen ice Above Self Award from Rotary District 6740. Tom was also honored by Rotary International to receive the Rl Four Avenues of Service Award in 2006. The "Avenues" refer to the four elements of the Object of Rotaiy: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, and International Service.
Tom was elected Rotary District Governor in 2007-08. One of his objectives was to raise enough money to build three water systems at Christian Orphanages in Myanmar. He raised enough to build five systems, and the project is still in progress. Now there have been eighty-six water systems completed at orphanages and small villages in Myanmar.
In 2005, Tom got involved with the Mid-South President's Elect Training Program, a Training Program for all incoming Rotary Club Presidents from Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. During his 12-year tenure on the Executive Committee, the last five of which he was General Chair, over 1,500 men and women from three states became better informed and prepared to lead their club the following Rotary Year. They should be able to increase membership, raise more money and be involved in more Rota1y programs ... and ultimately children will be major beneficiaries of these programs. Polk-y and Tom attended thirteen Rotary International Conventions serving as Sergeant-at-Arms several times. Tom Chaired several Rotary Zone Institute planning committees-and served as General Chair for the Zone Institute in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2015 with over 500 attendees.
Tom is a 33'" Degree Mason and Emeritus Chair of the Lexington Scottish Rite Foundation overseeing the Rite-Care Childhood Language Disorder Clinic helping pre-school children learn to talk. He is also an Emeritus Member of the Shriner's Hospital Lexington Board of Governors helping children with mobility issues learn to walk.
Tom Ashford credits much of his success to the suppo1i, encouragement and help provided by both his wives, particularly Polky. Tom and his wife, Polky are snowbirds living in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, and a vacation home in Richmond, Kentucky. They have four grandchildren.
Nominated by Curtis Sharff (class of 1967)
Steve Rardin, Chair, Hall of Fame
I will be going to Centre College in Danville, Kentucky in the fall of 2024 as a New Horizon Scholar and a Varsity sports player with scholarships in music and studio art. There, I plan to major in computer science with a minor in studio art and music. I am so excited to be the recipient of the Lafayette High School Alumni Association scholarship. It will enable me to have the freedom to take daring int rnships as well as study abroad. It is opening up opportunities that I may not have been able to take advantage of without the scholarship, so I am incredibly grateful for this honor.
For the Alumni Association to remain viable, we need new participants to attend the monthly meetings, vote on business decisions, hold office and serve on Committees. We need you and your ideas.
Please consider investing some of your time to ensure the future of the organization.
Please show your area of interest by Crcle one or more of the following:
Scholarship Selection Committee
Scholarship Fund Raising
Hall of Fame Committee
Finance Committee
Membership Committee
Audit Committee
Social Committee
Oral History Committee
Communications Committee
Nominating Committee
Contact Information:
Graduation YR.: _________
Name (including maiden name)_________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Phone: Home:________________________
If you have questions or would like to discuss what a position entails, please contact:
Pat Ritchey (859) 269-4424 or patmritchey@gmail.com.
Please Mail this form to: Lafayette Alumni Association, Inc, PO Box 21753, Lexington, KY 40522-1753